So I haven't posted doodles in a while, but with school back in I'm actually doing more. I don't know why I didn't do that many during my time off, but these first few are from that time: These are from Tuesday, during which I had classes that I could draw in. I need to stop drawing James Kochalka's Elf, but it's hard when I'm re-reading the comic all morning. Then just one page from today, classes were more restricted so I drew in-between. More sketches soon, hopefully I'll have something to share from my Basic Animation Class soon.
So I've been working on this since early November and going very slowly, but finally I'm finished, this is my first completed (although very miniature and only the first half) comic! It's only half as long as it was intended to be and I took twice as long to do this half, so hopefully I'll make the second part soon and in less time. Let me know what you think in the comments!
I'm working on a print version for myself and giving away to friends and maybe mailing to some cartoonists to get advice, would anyone be interested in buying one? It'd probably be 2-3$ shipped (in U.S.) depending on how much printing is (it'll be halftone instead of red for the glasses).
Cartoonist in Houston, I wash my brushes in sweat it's so hot. I also draw comics I used to have a blogger but now all of my stuff is there :D